The Parliament Room is a large hall in the south wing created by lowering the vault of the San Giorgio Hall. It is said to have been used for receptions and meetings. In fact, its name derives from the fact that during the Aragonese kingdom, from 1283, the Castle was the site of the first Sicilian Parliament. The large windows date back to the 16th century, when Viceroy De Vega elected the Castle as his residence. It was most certainly accessed by a grand staircase that started from the courtyard through the west wing, where the remains can still be seen below floor level in the Stables Hall.
XVIII cent.
XVIII cent.
XVIII cent.
XVIII cent.
XVIII cent.
XVI cent.
XVIII cent.
XV cent.
XVIII cent.
IV-III cent. b.C.
I cent. A.D.
I cent. A.D.
IV cent. b.C.
IV cent. b.C.
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